• Get the Mission Walkers guidebook. Email us at californiamissionwalkers@gmail.com
  • Get your pilgrim credential/passport from Martha López. Email her at mlcamino@att.net
  • Join the Facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/californiamissionwalkers (You will need
    to provide your email address, city, and zip code to join.)
  • Use the Facebook group and the CMW Peregrinos member list to reach out to your fellow mission walkers to share your plans and questions
  • Research your walk: the route, the logistics, and the weather
  • Start walking! Practice walking a few hours at a time on weekends, gradually increasing the frequency and duration until walking 12+ miles in a day is not difficult. Practice on flatlands and hills, on dirt trails and on asphalt roads.
  • Get accustomed to your shoes, backpack, and other gear — you don’t want to be trying anything new during your mission walk! And don’t forget about stretching daily!
  • Set your itinerary. Let other mission walkers know when they can join you on your walk
  • Start your mission walk! A day here and there, or a non-stop two-month pilgrimage, whatever works for you is the best way!
  • Let your mission walk happen. It won’t go exactly as planned – be open to the experience
  • And don’t give up! Sore legs, blisters, sunburn, hot/cold/rainy weather, closed gates, unfriendly people, bad directions, busy roads, steep hills — all these and more will be a test of your determination.

Posted October 19, 2017

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